Volunteer Opportunities with St. Joseph’s Care Group

Website St Joseph's Care Group
We are recruiting volunteers in several areas of St. Joseph’s Care Group. Come gain experience in a health care environment and contribute to your community. Our volunteers are engaged in meaningful ways that reflect their various skills, abilities, needs and backgrounds.
These are some of the opportunities available to our volunteers:
- Friendly Visitor
- Mealtime Companion
- Spiritual Care Assistant
- Therapeutic Recreation Assistant
- Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) Volunteer
- Wayfinder / Greeter
Our Locations:
- Hogarth Riverview Manor
- Sister Leila Greco
- Bethammi Nursing Home
- PR Cook Apartments
- St. Joseph’s Hospital
Individuals who speak a second language including French, Finnish, Italian, Ojibway, Cree, Oji-Cree, etc. are encouraged to apply.
Police Vulnerable Sector Check or Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check required depending on volunteer position.
Upon request, accommodations due to disability are available throughout the selection process.
For more information, please call 807-768-4448 or email us at SJCG.Volunteers@tbh.net
To apply for this job please visit sjcg.net.